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Radio #EDUtalk 05-08-2020 Hey Pressto! Conference 2020

Download: Hey Pressto! Conference 2020

The Hey Pressto! Conference 2020 – A WordPress and ClassicPress conference which happens only on Twitter  #HeyPresstoConf20 organised by Phil Barker(@philbarker) and Pat Lockley  (@pgogy).

HeyPressto! will happen on Thursday, September the 24th from 10AM (GMT+1) to 10PM (GMT+1)

Phil and Pat will be talking about the conference, its format, call for submissions and more.

Radio #EDUtalk 10-07-19 Data, Dialogue, Doing #altc


ALT’s Annual Conference 2019, 3–5 September 2019, University of Edinburgh, is seeking to confront and challenge established assumptions, approaches and accepted truths in relation to key dimensions of digital education, and to advancing our practice and thinking through critical dialogue and reflection, closer scrutiny of evidence and theory, and a stronger commitment to values including creativity, community, social good, openness and porosity, and more democratic access to knowledge and learning.

Listen to  those involved in making the conference happen to find out more, how to listen in and participate remotely and also what’s in store for everyone able to come to Edinburgh. ALT Annual Conference 2019

Sue Beckingham, one of our conference keynotes. Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) 
Martin Hawksey, our Chief Innovation, Community and Technology Officer. Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey)
Maren Deepwell (hoping to join), Chief Executive Officer. Dr Maren Deepwell (@MarenDeepwell)

Radio Edutalk 18-06-2019: Alistair McKay of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) on ‘Enhancing your Senior Phase offering’

Download Alistair McKay on Edutalk

Alistair McKay of the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) on ‘Enhancing your Senior Phase offering’.

Click here to download Alistair’s Powerpoint.